Dispatches from a go-gettin journalist. Because not all Army wives live behind the lines...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


This morning when Superman left our place, I knew he wouldn't be back for a long time.

This is it.

Three weeks of training, a few days to say hi and bye again, and then D-Day.

I know you're thinking that it's been a long time coming. But between all the must-do's before the big day that has consumed us over the past few months, it never set in for us. But last night, laying in bed, it hit me -- a mix of happy's and sad's.

Sad for all of the obvious reasons. But sad primarily that it'll be a whole year of growing separately.

Happy that we're in the waiting period homestretch. Happy that the faster he leaves, the faster he comes home. Happy that in one year coming home will finally mean togetherness ever after!

But for now, all I wanna do is sneak to another part of town and dunk my head in a huge bowl of hot fudge sundae, followed by a defeated lactose-induced year-long nap.

Because really, what respectful Manhattanite would commit such an atrocity in their own neck of the 'hood?

1 comment:

  1. awe, hang in there and lean on your blogger community! I've heard many wives state that it wasn't as bad as they thought, though I have no doubt it won't seem that way until closer to the end. This is never fun but you'll grow closer despite the distance! Sending love from FL!!
